Anyone who enters your life, enters it for a reason. Although we may not realize this at the moment....Our interactions between each other help to mold who we are and how we see ourselves...
interactions turn into experiences, experiences into friendship, friendship into sisterhood, People come and people go, but it is what they leave behind that you will always remember.
How they made you feel, what they made you think about, how they opened your eyes...
No connection goes unnoticed no matter how small.... a simple smile, a soft hello, a warm hug.......a cold shoulder, an elitist demeanor, a closed off mind. People can be quick to cast judgements.... assume what they will...and stay stuck behind the thin wall of their bubble. They will conform to what they believe "fits" their life, stay tightly coiled with a small group of like thinkers.... afraid to take chances and to explore a new terrain, a different mentality or way of life. I believe in
the power of energy, both positive and negative, and all it possesses.
I believe in the beauty and potential within all human beings.... and most of all I believe in equality. Throw away your judgements, underlying agendas and misconceptions about others. We should accept people for all that they are.... the good, the bad, the strange, the beautiful, the lost.... and foster these
mystic bonds.
These powerful spiritual connections that we make....will never die, even when we are physically gone.... The people you know, they job you have, the materials you have acquired... will all mean nothing because we all started, and will end as the same dust......
Today I am thankful for everyone in my life.....and for those still yet to come...=)
............I dedicate this post to my beautiful friend and spiritual sister...Lauren Hoffman........
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